I had just watched AVATAR with my classmates, some people said, this film more expensive than Pirate an Caribbean 3. And even it's the most expensive film ever until this day.
When i watched by myself,, i know that information is true,,,
All storyboard in here contain many amazing special effect that very amaze me,,
I gaped watch this film,, especially when the war between omatycan and the sky-people,,
wuihh,, full of special effect,,, It was soo Fabulous,,,
But since there was a lil problem when we wanted to go inside the movie,,
so I and my friends didn't watch the beginning of this film,,
we didn't know,, where is the planet?? What is the AVATAR project?? Why the tittle AVATAR,,, I mean what is the relation word avatar with the story line??
regret we were late at that time,,, nevertheless I take 4 thumbs to this Filmm,,,
Coolesst film ever,,, :DDDD
Kamis, 24 Desember 2009
Watch Avatar,,, :D
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
Parental Statement in AFS Program
Parental Statement For Muhammad Afif Izzatullah Indonesia
We are Afif’s parent and live together with him. We are just happy family that contains of father, mother and 3 children. Afif as a first child has two young sisters Sania and Bela. Nowadays Afif sits in second grade of High School number 17 Palembang, one of famous school in Sumatera Selatan. Even though he busy with his studying but Afif looks enjoy and easy going to face his entire bustle. Many assignments have given by school can he does and finishes it very well.
If in our home, he occasionally clashes with both of his young sisters but it precisely looks like a happy relationship in our eyes. Afif had ever been in dormitory along one year so we are sure that he is independent enough to take care himself. After lived in dormitory, he usually goes to school with his sister, Sania by motorcycle. Afif is a guider of his two sisters let in lesson, computer, or other activities that his sisters very hard to solve it.
As we know Afif has so many friends in school and other place since so many friends that often to visit our house. His relationship with his friends is very well and chummy like usual teenagers. If not his friend that come to our house, he usually visits his friends’ house once in a while. Internet or hand phone usually Afif uses to contact or makes an appointment with his friends. Thus attitude is same if Afif communicates with our big families too. Afif often comes and visits his cousins’ house to meet and make closer relations with them. With our neighbors Afif acts very kind too especially when there is a big event like Independent day, birthday party, sport competition and etc. He also actives in ACMY (Al-Qobah Creative Moslem Youth) nears our house.
In this modernization era, many obstacles must be faced by every teenager now. Kind of problem in school about lesson and social intercourse must be fought carefully. We as a parent always give an advice and guidance about any success and failure experiences. Occasionally Afif asks for discussion or consultation with us if he gets some difficult trouble that he cannot solve it alone. He also always motivates himself if he has some purpose and manages it by himself as he can do it. And we everlastingly help him despite of he can do it by himself. He is very serious and hard working to reach what he dreaming in.
Once thing more that we very know this is Afif very wanted to study in other countries. This ambition looks from his struggling starts to take an English Course, joins a Debate Club, searches every information about scholarship to abroad and attends in many seminar or presentation held by foreign university. The AFS program is one of beginning chances to go abroad for him to reach what he’s dreaming before.
If he passes the AFS program, we really known we will very miss each other. But because we realized he has been more mature and independent enough to take care himself so we will let him to reach his ambition through his way. Because we know that he often being away from home like camping, Boy Scout activities, traveled alone to go out of our town, ever lived one year in dormitory and stay along around two week in Bogor (a city that far from Palembang) Represent Sumatera Selatan in AGIN (Brilliant Indonesian Children Contest).
We also know he often get many problems and challenging in his life. But for aught we know he can handle its and be a persistent one to solve any difficult situations. He always faces the problem with study hard, praying, and decreases his feebleness to solve it and get what he has aimed. And we believe too he can gets used to and adapt with a new environment as still in our religion way. Like cannot eat forbidden food by our religion (pork or beer) because we are Moslem. In addition Afif is a cheerful, kind and happy person who likes playing guitar and drawing and we are sure that you will enjoy stay together with him and being part of your family in a long times.
Afif’s Parent
Letter to Host Family in AFS Profram
Muhammad Afif Izzatullah Indonesia
My name is Muhammad Afif Izzatullah. I’m a second grade of high school number 17 in my town, Palembang. I’m just ordinary people who have an extraordinary ambition. That’s “GO ABROAD”. My parents are not too rich or poor. We are just standard family who pursuit happiness in this world. My family has five members. Those are my father and mother, me and two of my young sisters. I’m the first child so I have responsibility at least to lead my two young sisters to walk in the true line. Although I occasionally clash with them but it is never mind as we still love each other and soon get well relationship again. We usually also take some journey to other someplace to refresh our mind and get a happy event in our life.
I’m clever enough person who always want to smile every day. I grew up and be Junior High School and Senior High School student. I very thank to God because the environment in my home and school changes me become a good person. Now I’m more mature and can think more rationally. I am an independent person who like motivate myself to establish my path way to be a good person. I mostly manage my own business by myself as I can do it, because I don’t want burden my parent and be a good son. Since I ever lived in dormitory and traveled alone I’ve learned to socialize and being independent enough to take care of myself.
If with my friends, I also have both bad and good personality. My friends describe me that I’m disturbing people, critic and etc. But they also think that I’m a funny person, could be ask for cooperate (in discussion), kind, creative, clever enough, and so on. But I’ll struggle certainly to close bad attitude door and open as wide as the good attitude door in my life. Because I’m conscious that I’m just a usual human that couldn’t be a perfect one.
Most people said I look like my mother let in physic and behavior. I am so close with my mother and father because our family is a democracy family that everybody could say any problem and sharing with each other. In my home, I sometimes help to do daily assignment, but just in small part. For example: tidying and cleaning my room, washing my motorcycle, cleaning the bathroom, ironing my cloths, and washing my dish after eating. But all of those things rarely I do if I have some busy assignment from my school.
I’m so grateful have a kind parent who always takes after me and cares about me. Without them I’m zero, but because them too I can be a hero. When I have some troubles in my school they always beside me. With their precious words I always get many advices that very help me to do something about my future. So what I have to do now is requite all of their merits that have been given to me with be an independent person and be a success person who make happy my parent without burden them anymore.
Along my entire life, I interested with many things actually. It could be divided into 3 parts: sports, education and entertainment. In sports; playing badminton, basketball, soccer and swimming are the top one that I most interested in. If education; I very like with math, drawing, science and researching. Therefore I join extracurricular with named KIR, that’s a researcher club. I also like music, playing guitar, reading, writing, and internet in my entertainment part.
As I have too many interests, so I more spend my times in my school and my other club. In my school I join KIR extracurricular (a Researcher Club) like I said before because I very like with writing. We are all people who like researching gather in this club and we usually join competition from city till national grade. Beside that KIR also trains our skill to make scientific writing for college later. Until now I’ve written around 8 scientific writing. These all are result of my struggling and sweats in my beloved KIR club.
For sport I join basketball club since I’m tall enough than my others friends. I also ever had joined PUSRI swimming and badminton club when I was Junior High School. I join so many sport clubs like this because I want to keep my body fit and healthy when I stuck with my routines.
For art, I join 2D (Two Dimension) club which has activities drawing, painting and coloring. We do this activity every Saturday in my school. Beside that I’m also one of member school’s choirs in my Junior High School and Senior High School. I also have a band with 5 members named ‘Galaxy’ and I’m as a guitarist together with my four other friends. We ever twice had joined band competition but because we were still beginner so we were lost at that time. However, I’m sure that these all activities are very useful for me to develop my right brain of art.
I also active enough in other organization like ‘Boy Scout’ in my elementary school, School’s Student Organization in junior high school, GEDS (Global English Debate Society) in my English course, ACMY (Al-Qobah creative Moslem Youth) near with my home, and other little organizations. Because, being involved in community activities like this, make me learn and find big valuable things for myself and my future. About the time, honestly I pursue all of them in my times, because I very want to get many experiences as long as I still young and have many chances to do it. Because pursue this very useful things make me move forward when I construct my future foundation.
In my community activities I have some different roles. First in my class I ever have been a class leader because our class leader always changes every week. Despite of just one week but I could learn leadership even though in a small part. I also ever had been a vise-captain in school’s student organization when I was Junior High School. It was so difficult to share my time but I could handle it with my effort and got many experiences about lead many people at that time. In soccer I usually play as a ‘midfielder’, ‘shooting guard’ for basketball and ‘single player’ in badminton. But my skill is just usual if it compares with my other great friends. If in GEDS (Debate Club) I usually be a first or second speaker, it’s so help me to talk before public. And I also ever had been a researching captain. So I have full responsibility about my researching result. All of these experiences are very important for me to step and move forward in my future pathway.
Because I want get best future so I have some objective and motivation to apply AFS. First, I want to study about everything in other countries. Like I said before my extraordinary ambition is go abroad and get many information also education from there. Second, I very want to school in other country especially countries which have developed technology. Because stay long time and get educations at there, can give me an inspiration about how my future is established. The third, I very want to meet many friends from other countries, study about their culture, history, learn about the situation in their city and get a big experience that I very dream before. And I will use all of those experiences to build my best future both for myself and my country. And make Indonesia can have good relation with other countries. All of those are my personal goals to join AFS program. But I emphasize the main goal of me is to find and look for fabulous experience that I haven’t done it before and make proud my parent.
The biggest problem for me along my entire life is quarrel with my friends. I agree with proverb: 1000 friends are too less but 1 enemy is too much. If I have even though just 1 enemy, my heart can’t be comfort. Cause I always think how to recover my friendship. But I’ll force myself and throw away the prestige feeling one in my heart to apologized with my quarrel’s friend and throw the enmity one to make comfort my heart again. And the second situation that I feel difficult to solve it is when I got bad score in school’s lesson. But if I just regret and do nothing it can’t change anything. The things I have to do are just study hard again, find my minuses, praying and fix my bad score.
When I step in my path life, I got so many hindrances and obstacles definitely. The obstacle that I often feel it is when I try to stand up again from one failure. For example when I failed in one research competition, I felt despondently at that time. Because I had done full effort and spent much times to do it, but the result was so disappoint me. I thought that I wouldn’t do again any research because it was just wasting my energy and times. But I realized that one failure was a key to be successful. So many scientist in past had many failure but they were success because of it. Thomas Alpha Edison needed much failure to discover many useful things like a lamp. So I thought that I have to follow their path and studied more about researching. I began to learn about scientific writing again in internet, books, and ask with everybody who has many experienced about this. And finally I got that result. Despite of I just placed the third rank but I felt so happy because I was success be a winner in a city grade and it was a great achievement for me.
Because of those reason above I would be a good boy to host, since I’m an independent enough boy, so easy to adapt and getting used to with a new environment because I am often enough to be away from home. And after I reach my big ambition (go abroad) with AFS, I wish to attend college and university in other country. I will try to look for everything about scholarship that can bring me to get college in other country especially developed countries. So I hope that AFS experience will give me many connection and information about how to attend college in other country. And find my best path way to make my better future for my own-self.
Know more about me:
Blog : http://www.cakarafif.blogspot.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/afif.izzatullah
or type in search box AFIF IZZATULLAH.
M Afif Izzatullah
It's Beyond My Expectations (Part II)
We continuing....
What a ..... surprise me that announcement?
if i look from rank of the cumulative from three test before, i got 21th rank.. and i think i don't have any chances anymore to join this program....
But God gives me different way.. i don't know what is the criteria of committee chose our five, but what i have to do know just very very very thank to GOD and do a hard work and struggling to get a real chance to abroad....
We are five from acceleration class and add with two from regular and also four student from outside compete to get chance to pass AFS and can go abroad with was full fill many sheets from committee about ourselves, health explanation, letter to host fam, photo page and many more that must we fill in....
Although it's definitely difficult to full fill six fold from those six sheets respectively, but i will do it with full spirit and energy, although the competence aura among us is really drastic and full of hot spirit to reach what we really aim to do...
And now i have already done full fill those six sheets and just wait the result of this program. I think i will really hard to pass it because my friend's letter and their photo page is really made me jealous because of so wonderful...
But the maximum power to do something is come from Almighty so i have to much pray with God in order me and full of my friends could go together and reach what we were dreaming before.... yeaaah but once again
it's really really beyond from my expectations....
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
It's Beyond My Expectations
The AFS result has been announced, but still the big eleven.... and that announcement so surprised me... this is the story... :
Test of Exchanging student (AFS. YES. JENESYS) conducted in SMA 17 Palembang (for chapter Palembang of course). There were 3 tests in order to pass and get more chance for go abroad. And those tree tests were conducted in three different days.
The first day and of course the first test was about general knowledge. So many students interested to join this program, it's no wonder so many of participants came in the first day. The general knowledge test was not too hard or too easy. It'll be easy if we occasionally often read the newspaper or watching television or update the global information or such kind like that. But unfortunately, I so seldom did those damn things. So i just could answer what I've ever read and the rest i just took my hand up and pray to God asked for helping from Him. But luckily i still passed the first test. I was so happy that day.
But the second day (The second test i must through it) broke my heart into pieces. The second test place in SMA 17's dorm kitchen. And it tested our personality and english fluency. Despite of i pass the test but i just got the bottom rank and the differences with the top one was so far..... ...Hufff... and Alhamdulillah... i just could gracious since many of my friends couldn't pass the second test....
The third day and The last test for part one was grouping dynamic. It tested our responsibility to cooperate with each other. One class contained four people to make something from tools that had been prepared before. My spirit was not burn perfectly cause i have thought : the probability i passed was so small because my 1st and 2nd test were not too good enough respectively. So i did it with half of spiritful.....
After we did all those damn tests we just waited the result and prayed, hope we could pass the cumulative score.... 1st + 2nd + 3rd test were adding all and took a mean from them with some rules from commitee....
The "H" day was coming.. we were all taking look at the result... aaaannndddd
It was surprising me too. I could pass the cumulative score successfully. But the rank was not too high... it's just 21th rank. I still feel gratefully at that time despite of it's 21th rank from 28 but at least i still had a chance to pass and go abroad..... (Aamiin)
Finally after weeks to month month to year (lah) (kidding). Not too long after the cumulative score a letter from jakarta came in SMA 17 about exchanging program result. That day was saturday. Me and my friends just finished our sport activities. When we began to study chemistry (after exercised) Pak Arpani called 5 people to go out from class and face Pak arpani. I never expect why i have to be called.
So we were running fast and face pak Arpani................................ ^^ (IT'S BEGIN THE CLIMAX)
tO Be cONtInUEd............................................................... ^^V
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Surfing in Virtual World in Holiday
Hi, everybody... now i'll talk about my experience that i catch, when surfing in internet from beginning holiday until today.... That's :
Rabu, 23 September 2009
Library Article Competition
I had just joined a competition with topics :
1. Ideal Library
2. Build a Humanity love Library
Actually I had felt pessimist, cause when i looked at the amount of participants in http://www.teratama.com/lomba/
it had reached a number 254, (if i don't mistake ^^v), and the deadline to collect this writing was 30th of September. So i made this writing not too serious because i just wanted to finish this quickly as i could. But when i looked at my grownup from my first writing until the latest one, the qualities of words, and main contain of my writing amended. i was so happy knew that.
Beneath it all, in past i didn't too like write every single words, whereas my parents said writing something was important for my future. But, thankfully i now could love writing. Maybe since the competence aura in my KIR extracurricular, hehehe (said a mark nich ^^v) is so competitively.
And now, i aim to do something that could make my parents and every-people that know or don't know me, become proud and recognize me as one of young generation that could bring Indonesia become be a shining country.
Hey C'mon. Anyone who reads my blog writing, just joins Seachange program which way click this link :
SEACHANGE is an ongoing movement connecting Southeast Asian Youths to projects, organizations, businesses, and leaders who can help them with the change they want to see! How does it work?
If you wanna know more about seachange just click link above.
If you join seachange, so many advantages and good affects you'll get. The most Enormous things you'll get is :
Those trips will invite you to Malaysia, But since from 1 million will take 500, it's difficult enough and need some lucky draw to reach it.But the most important thing is just join it, cause you will get more knowledge about global world and condition in many country.
And also for Indonesians (like me Hehe ^^v) you could practice your English while you write up the shorts paragraph in its website and give your opinion and suggestion respectively.
GOOD LUCK for U ALL.... ^^v
Shared via AddThis
I’m conscious that the world is so monumental. I never meant to think so many people who have thought more forward than usual people. These people are not thinking about happiness in nowadays but they’re thinking how the situation of their life in future is! Maybe I am so late, I sometime realize that I’ve been abandoned so many people out there perhaps. The competence aura in here is so different at far place there. But I’m never gonna say give up, cause it seems like I connive my fate to life at all.
Actually If I could move backward the times, I thought from previously, I used to be a better person certainly. But rollback the time is included one of all impossible things. We never let to back in past despite of we do as extremely as we could do. But I really believe with this proverb, that: “we’re never gonna change the events that have passed, but we can still have probability to change events that is in happening, and surely we must be have a big opportunity to make the best future for us or to get rid of our future mournfully.
Occasionally, I thought solely about what my life is, at present! I rarely thought about how will my life, at future! I excessively thought that “Afif am the worst people in the world”, let out or in, side of mine. I seldom feel thankful to God what I have gotten, but, I become too frequent feel regret with all of my feebleness. If one of my feebleness has gone away, I definitely search again my frailty more, certainly. What a mournfully I’ve done!
But, because I have already seen some people that in upper and lower grade than me. I awake from my fatuity. I’m self-conscious. I have already done a bad, miserably things to my own-self. It’s make complicated problem because of my damn attitude. Therefore, because of them, because of those people, I must thank to God with my goodness I’ve already gotten, and HAVE TO BE ABREAST OF THEM EVEN-THOUGH I CAN’T CHASE AFTER THEM, AT LEAST I STILL KEEP IN EQUALLY DISTANCE AND STRUGGLE TO DEFEND AND HOLDING A LINE WITH STANDING LOOK AT THEIR BACK DESPITE OF STANDING IN THE SAME LINE WITH THEM IS NOT INCLUDED IMPOSSIBLE THINGS IN THIS PROVISIONAL WORLD. NP: The word Them in bold text is different with the word Them in text before. ^_^v
By: M Afif Izzatullah
Selasa, 22 September 2009
No$Zoomer The Best Add Ons for No$GBA
For anyone who likes play NDS with emulator in computer or laptop. You must be feel that the window is too small for us to see and maybe some of all your parents will forbid you because they think it could make your eyes become shattered and faded. Yes actually i realize that the window when we open the emulator especially if we play with the best nds emulator, No$GBA is too small and limit our visuality to play it. No$GBA is the best emulator of all nds emulator that in spreading over to many website in internet. But one of the weakness of this emulator is the window is too small. But i have a good news for u all that :....... ^_^ you will jump surprised, shocks, and fall until your head strike the hard things and amnesia. (over dose) akakakakak ^_^V (peace)
Senin, 21 September 2009
My First Achievement in Scientific Writing (Beside the Worst There is the Best)
There was a competition about secret power of fasting before holidays. And it coincided perfectly with my first UTS. I must finished my writing on Sunday, one day before UTS. And i made it complicatedly because on Sunday i hadn't buy any compact disc to save my writing. And worse, tomorrow on Monday i had physic lesson in test. I felt pain and began perspire cause i was really really didn't know what must i do. Because u know: all of store that usually sell CD had closed already. And the deadline to collect this writing was night before 7 o'clock.
Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009
Novel Jogol Episode 4
Kucing hitam dan abu-abu loreng juga terlihat di depan rumah yang bertuliskan ANCHRONO di atas atapnya yang mungkin sedang mencari tikus liar atau makanan lainnya guna megisi perutnya yang terlihat masih kempis karena kelaparan. Rumah itu seakan-akan digunakan untuk festival rumah hantu pada malam seni atau mungkin akan dijadikan rumah pesta dalam malam haloween. Dengan tulisan ANCHRONO yang tidak jelas arti dan maksudnya. Namun rumah itu memiliki kamar yang masih bercahaya hingga kini, dan terlihat walaupun samar-samar kamar itu tersusun rapi, jelas pemiliknya adalah yang mempunyai motor yang terparkir rapi di garasi tadi. Brak....! suara pintu memecah keheningan pagi yang cerah itu.
“Cepat aku sudah terlambat, nih”, Pria yang membanting pintu itu keluar dengan kata marah dan wajah yang memerah.
“iya-iya, sabar dong, kamu kira membuat makanan itu cepat apa?”, Seorang wanita keluar menyusul pria tersebut dan menjawab perkataan pria itu.
“aah, sudahlah, lebih baik aku mencari makanan di luar, dari pada menunggumu memasak yang tidak jelas masakan apa itu” bentak pria itu.
“ya sudah terserah kau” ,Wanita itu membalasnya.
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Rumah Musik, Impianku
Post ini saya buat ketika akan ikut blog contest yang bertema rumahku, impianku. Oleh karena itu inilah hasilnya :
Layaknya seekor keong dengan berbagai jenis bentuk cangkangnya. Bagai seekor burung dengan kerumitan dan kedetailan sarangnya. Dan bagai sarang lebah dengan bentuk segienam indah menampakkan kekokohan serta keanggunannya. Rumah, terutama bagi makhluk tersempurna, manusia, merupakan hal penting dalam melangkah maju di kehidupan keras dunia dan bertahan hidup guna mencapai kebahagiaan. Atap, dinding, jendela, pintu semuanya melambangkan arti emas bahkan berlian bagi seluruh jiwa manusia. Namun rumah yang kokoh dan megah sekalipun bagi seorang presiden belum tentu menjadi indah di mata pelukis. Begitu juga sebaliknya.
Setiap orang pasti memiliki imajinasi dan arsiteksi tersendiri bagaimana rumah yang paling diimpi-impikannya. Mungkin rumah dengan 10 lantai, lampu yang berwarna-warni atau apa saja tergantung selera setiap orang masing-masingnya. Disini saya akan menggambarkan dengan jutaan kuas bagaimana rumah yang paling saya impikan dan dapat membuat kebahagiaan di hati jasmani maupun nurani.
Warna hijau alami tumbuhan haruslah mengisi tempat kosong halaman depan rumah. Dengan ribuan daun yang rimbun serta warna-warni bunga dengan wangi semerbak menyebar ke seluruh penjuru rumah. Rumput hijau tumbuh dengan lembut memberikan gambaran kesejukan di bagian pijakan seraya menghasilkan keempukan bila seseorang berbaring di atasnya. Ditambah dengan pagar alami dari tumbuhan yang menambah sentuhan akhir dari rumah yang penuh kedamaian dan kenyamanan.
Dua gerbang kokoh berdiri menyambut kedatangan setiap insan ditambah alunan musik sedu berasal dari speaker di dinding kanan serta kiri pintu. Pintu coklat buka dua dengan bel rumah yang bila di tekan akan keluar serangkaian nada lagu dari do re mi hingga ke do lagi yang akan menghibur baik penunggu maupun pengunjung. Alas kaki bergambar hitam-putih not piano menyambut para tamu bila pintu telah terbuka. Terlihat jelas dinding-dinding rumah berbentuk segi delapan simetris setara beberapa kamar yang menjulur cantik dengan pintu bergambar berbagai macam alat musik. Ruang tamu merupakan pusat dari sudut-sudut rumah dengan sofa kayu ukiran gambar gitar serta bantalan yang tergambar beberapa dawai sehingga terlihat jelas seluruh peralatan di rumah erat berhubungan dengan musik. Lampu-lampu berupa not balok menerangi ruangan di kala gelap. Jendela bagaikan angklung yang bila di buka akan terb
ercik suara dentungan yang nyaman di telinga. Plus drum, gitar, bass, keyboard dan microfon terkapar alami si salah satu sudut segi delapan yang menggambarkan pemiliki rumah sangat menyukai memainkan alat musik bersama teman-temannya. Di bagian sudut lainnya terpampang sebuah TV besar dengan soundspeaker berjejer disampingnya bagai bioskop pribadi guna melatih kelihaian dalam permainan musik.
Tiga kamar dengan 2 di antaranya ruang tidur, dan sisanya sebuah ruangan khusus peralatan musik tradisional. Kamar tidur ber spray latar belakang drum, bantal serta guling yang beralaskan kain dengan lukisan seruling menghiasi kamar dengan nuansa nurani yang menyejukan mata hati. WC terdapat shower dengan ujung berbentuk microfon sehingga memungkinkan menyanyi seakan-akan konser di dalam WC. TV anti air terpajang selurusan kloset dan speaker terpasang di keempat sudut langit-langitnya. Cat dinding berwarna hitam dan putih not balok terlukis lembut di sepanjang dinding. Pintu belakang rumah yang bila di buka terlihat matahari tenggelam ditambah besi-besi gantungan yang berbunyi karena hembusan angin membuat irama indah lembayung senja.
Bila tinggal di sana seakan-akan hati tidak lagi mengenal kata stress dan pusing karena terhembus aura kedamaian serta kesejahteraan yang menenangkan siapa saja yang memasukinya. Itulah rumah musik Impianku.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Alnect Computer, Mp 3 but More Than 3 Function
Namun Mp3 biasanya hanya bisa di dengar menggunakan 'alat bantu dengar' alias headset. Loh kalau headset nya rusak gimana dong. Ya mau bagaimana lagi, beli baru kalo nggak ya gak bisa dengar lagu. So dari pada pusing-pusing mikiran mana headset paling murah atau bagaimana cara dengar bila gak ada headset, lebih baik sekaligus beli :

*info product klik link di atas
No Produk | : | 282301 | |
Berat Pengiriman | : | 1 kg | |
Harga | : | Rp. 375.000 |
Merupakan konsep terbaru dari mp3 player keluaran advan. Multi fungsi tidak hanya sebagai player, tetapi juga sebagai mini speaker stereo dan jam musik alarm. Juga dilengkapi dengan kapasitas memori1 GB yang tidak mungkin hanya menyimpan 10 atau 20 lagu. Oleh karena itu Alnect Computer menyediakan barang bagi yang berminat bisa menuju Jln. Raya Janti, Kruwing No.1 Telp (0274)7471199 Yogyakarta. Atau segera kunjungi link di atas.
Ini Rincian produknya :
MP3 player multi fungsi yang mengusung memori sebesar 1GB dan dilengkapi ekspansi slot multimedia memory card seperti MMC dan SD Card. Dilengkapi tombol navigasi yang interaktif menambah nilai elegan dari player ini.
Voice Recording | No |
Radio FM | Yes |
Screen Display | Yes with Digital Clock Blue light LCD |
Built In Speaker | Yes with High Quality Dual Stereo Speaker |
Battery / Power | 4 x AA Alkaline/Recharge Battery, USB, DC in Adaptor |
Special Feature | Digital Clock Music Alarm, Audio Line-In, Time Power On/Off |
Dimension (WHD) | (248 x 90 x 30) mm |
Weight | 345 gram (Tanpa Baterai) |
Alnect Care Warranty | 30 Hari |
Standard Warranty | 180 Hari |
Others | Berfungsi sebagai speaker mini dari Notebook, CD Player, MD, dll |
Manufacturer website | http://www.advancedigitals.com/ |
Faster Better. Karena selain harga yang gak terlalu nyusahin kantong juga terdapat multi fungsi yang gak akan buat kamu nyesel belinya. Segera rogoh kantong, klik, dan beli.